RobotStudio event

Conveyor Tracking



Is RS 2008 going to incorporate conveyor tracking?  Or at least have the ability to load a system with the tracking option, so that we don't have to make a seperate system, without tracking option, just for Robot Studio?  Last years User Meeting in Milano did state that the tracking option would be available within 6 months. 


  • Henrik Berlin

    Hi Pat,

    Unfortunately, Conveyor Tracking is not supported by RobotStudio 2008. The plan is to add support in one of the forthcoming releases.

    However, you can start a system with the conveyor tracking option, but the the program will hang on the WaitWobj function since there is currently no Conveyor simulated in RobotStudio that can feed the controller. So, you don't need a separate system, but you need to modify the program to use a static workobject when simulating in RobotStudio.


    Henrik Berlin