RobotStudio event

IRC5/ Flexpendant jump connector

 We know for IRC5 robot,ABB has a flexpendant jump connector which enables robot
to be able to run without teach pendant (flexpendant).

  jump connector order No.= 3HAC021914-001
  Before utilizing the jump connector,guess we need to modify our RAPID program that:
   1)not using teach pendant command like TPReadNum, TPReadFK,...
                ----This is easy for us to handle
   2)normally if an error occured,cycle will stop and operators need to acknowledge the error
     on the teach pendant before system can reset and start again.
                ----without teachpendant how can we do this?
   3)maybe there are other issues we need to consider?


  • Hello,

    To use your jumper plug, make sure your robot program is stopped. The robot controller must be in Auto Mode.When you remove the FlexPendant, the robot will go into e-stop. Plug in the jumper. You may need to press the Motors On button to clear the e-stop.

    To start the robot you should use the System Input I/O Motors On and Start. This system input will powerup the robot motors and then start the robot program running. This input could come from a push button or a PLC.


    Jim Proulx

  •  Thanks Jim

      Still I wander there must be a function, how to acknowledge an error event without the Flexpendant?

       You know sometimes when robot got stopped by error, there will be a event error message marked by a red "X", operators need to open the message and click "acknowledge" to reset.