RobotStudio event

error while loading programs to robot [WebWare SDK]

We are loading programs with SDK 3.2 activex to virtual robot ok, but when we trying to load it to real robot trough ethernet way i am getting next error: 40304

Raison:Task MAIN: Error I/O ! (filename: C:vbOrni_Robot Verify:  Error access: File write protected  File does not exist  Not enough space in support MAIN C:vbOrni_Robot mp.prg


Seems like it fault to adjust any parameter in the robot. Someone to help me ?


Many thanksimage




  • Could you please provide us with the source code for this program.

    From the description above, it seems to me that you are referencing a path in your robot program ("c:vb....") which might be valid on the Virtual Controller, but not on the Robot Controller. Can you verify that this is not the case.

    Anders Dannberg
    ABB Automation Technologies
    Support Engineer

  • Hi Anders,

    Sorry, the first post error message is while i am triying to recibe the program.

    To load a program my program line is in vb

    status = robotHelper.S4ProgramLoad(0, Fichero, 3, resultid)

    where fichero is the file location (local) C:VBORNI_ROBOTCARTER_5.prg

    the error message is (sorry in French)

    Temps:1029 12:03.2 Raison:T?che MAIN: Erreur E/S ! (nom du fichier: C:VBORNI_ROBOTCARTER_5.prg)  V?rifier:Un des pb suivants:  Erreur acc?s: Prot?g? en ?criture  Fichier inexis tant  Plus de place sur support MAIN C:VBORNI_ROBOTCARTER_5.prg

    More details:

    I am writing and reading any variables without problems to real robot

    We are triying to load directly from local pc hd to robot main memory (MAIN). Can be that we need to send the file first to robot filesystem  and then load to main (local to the robot ?)


    Many thanks


  • Hello Olatz,

    The S4ProgramLoad method will load programs only from the physical robot controller (RC). Local paths from the computer you are executing the SDK application from are not valid.   If you load the program into the RC, you will be able to load the program using S4ProgramLoad.

    To copy files from the PC over to the RC, you can use the S4FileCopy method.

    Anders Dannberg
    ABB Automation Technologies
    Support Engineer

  • Hi Guys

    I'm Trying to load a program in the S4+ from my PC using the S4ProgramLoad, when I try to load it, simply nothing happens, not even an error message. I think it might be the way I've written the file path, since the robot is connected to the pc via ftp server, I just write PROGRAM.prg...
    Another thing, does the robot have to be in full auto mode to be able to load programs from the PC using the S4ProgramLoad method?


    Ricardo Mesa
    University of Wollongong
    Mechatronics Engineering