RobotStudio event

Problem with signals

Hi people! I'm programming with PC SDK (not Webware SDK). I have a problem, first I get the signals of the robot and then I want to change one. But when the programm executes the Set() or Reset() method, it throws a exception: ABB.Robotics.ModeRejectException. I don't now what I can do. Please, Can anybody help me?
The source code is:

   private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             if (button2.Text != "Indef.")
                 DigitalSignal garra = (DigitalSignal)senyales[8]; ;
                 if (garra.Value == 0)
                 else garra.Reset();
                 if (button2.Text == "Activar")
                     button2.Text = "Desactivar";
                 else button2.Text = "Activar";

 "senyales" has all the signals that the robot.
Thank you a lot.


  • RussD
    Look at the Access level (eio parameter) of the signals you are trying to modify. If they are set to DEFAULT, then you cannot modify them from a remote client. You must change the access level of the signal to allow it to be modified by a remote client.
    Russell Drown
    Thank you a lot. The program runs perfectly fine. :D