paralel input

hi, i want to connect the plc and the irc5. the connection only use the digital i/o(on-off signal)(because we don't know how to use device net).

if i send 8 data from plc <paralel> to 8 input of irc5, what sintax that i can use to read it (all)?

example: my plc send:         

  • do1: 1  --------- connect to di1 IRC5
  • do2: 1  --------- connect to di2 IRC5
  • do3: 0  --------- connect to di3 IRC5
  • do4: 0  --------- connect to di4 IRC5
  • do5: 1  --------- connect to di5 IRC5
  • do6: 1  --------- connect to di6 IRC5
  • do7: 0  --------- connect to di7 IRC5
  • do8: 1  --------- connect to di8 IRC5

from di1 - di8, my pogram will read that the data is 11001101, so my robot will go to move to path1, the other configuration of data from di1-di8, will change the movement of robot.

 I have read the rapid help, and i do not find the syntax.

if i read each of digital input (di1-di8), then  i representate it to byte (the first data become the first bit, then i shift it to right, the second one become the first again, shift to right again, and so on until the 8th data) can it resolve my problem? or any other idea?

thanks before





carmila2008-7-2 9:12:25
indah carmila


  • Hi
    I recommend that you define a IO group of all your IO signals becuase then you will get a value when you read the defined IO group.

    Read the manual about group input and outputs
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • thanks for your advice.

    ehmm. i have read the rapid help, there's only the GOutput syntax. --> read from the Group of digital output. there are no syntax for GInput. And I don't find the manual that explain how to make a group from the exist input.

    Can you tell me where I can read the manual?

    THanks a lot

    indah carmila
  • Hi
    Just read it as it is

    Read chapter Input and output signals in manual
    Technical Reference manual, Rapid Overview

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Thank you Per!

    It's very helpfull!!! Ye... Now, I can make it image

    But, I don't use nMyReadValue:=giMyGroupInput;

    I use If MyGroupInput = Myvalue then MyPath

    But, I'm very thankfull to you!




    indah carmila