RobotStudio event

how to download to real robot


i want to ask how to download the FP SDK program to the real robot. I already try to follow the step in user's guide, but i still can't to show my program in FP. It said that there is an unknown error, flex Pendant start view problem.

here the step that i take:

1. make the progrem, build it

2. connect the PC and the controller via service port. (has already connected)

3. download the system that contain FP interface option

4. copy the file *.dll to the Home directory in my system

5. restart the FP.

Is there is any wrong step?

Sorry for asking very newbie question.

Thank you very much



indah carmila


  • HI .. there are no newbie questions :)


    1. Make sure to copy also the *.gtpu.dll file

    2. Make sure you do have the Robotware FP-Interface in your system



    Carlos Martinez
  • Hi, Saludos!

    Thanks for your reply.

    I already have the FP interface option in my Robotware. and I also have coppied the *.gtpu.dll. to the home directory ( but I do it manually via file management window 

    are we must download it via ABB - GTPU compliance Tool-2005?

    I can download the *.dll, but when I alsoi try to download the *.gtpu.dll, there are an error that says have you added the TpsViewAttribute to the assemblyinfo.cs

    I don't know what is means. What should I do?

    indah carmila
  • As long as you generated the gtpu file with the compliance, it should work.

    Are  you using c# or VB.NET?

    Can you search in your code for "assembly: TpsView(" ... as an example, this is how an attribute should look:

    // Compliance Tool Info

    "BinPicking Server", // Caption of your application
    "tpu-Operator32.gif", "tpu-Operator16.gif", // Images
    "TpsViewFoo.dll", // The name of your dll
    "TpsViewFoo.MyMainForm", // The full name (namespace & class name) of your main form
    StartPanelLocation.Left, TpsViewType.Static, TpsViewStartupTypes.Manual)
    Carlos Martinez
  • Hi, Saludos!

    I use the c# language. I found the code that you've told above in view.cs ( my first page). but in my assemblyInfo.cs, there is no code like that. Here is the code from assemblyInfo.cs:

    // General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
    // set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
    // associated with an assembly.

    // Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
    // Major Version
    // Minor Version
    // Build Number
    // Revision
    // You can specify all the values or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers
    // by using the '*' as shown below:

    // In order to sign your assembly you must specify a key to use. Refer to the
    // Microsoft .NET Framework documentation for more information on assembly signing.
    // Use the attributes below to control which key is used for signing.
    // Notes:
    // (*) If no key is specified - the assembly cannot be signed.
    // (*) KeyName refers to a key that has been installed in the Crypto Service
    // Provider (CSP) on your machine.
    // (*) If the key file and a key name attributes are both specified, the
    // following processing occurs:
    // (1) If the KeyName can be found in the CSP - that key is used.
    // (2) If the KeyName does not exist and the KeyFile does exist, the key
    // in the file is installed into the CSP and used.
    // (*) Delay Signing is an advanced option - see the Microsoft .NET Framework
    // documentation for more information on this.



    Is it right, that the code only found in view.cs and not found in assemblyinfo.cs?

    indah carmila
  • Hi.

    finally I can do it!! image

    my program can appear in real flexpendant!!!!image

    but there  is a little problem, there is some leak in the display. when i press some button, the label should be change between on / off, but in the real, it doesn't change ( but the signal i/o is correct). the same case for the setting delay, when i set the new value for delay time, the display for the delay time doesn't change.

    what is the solution for these case?

    thanks a lot



    indah carmila