RobotStudio event



Are the models for the IRB6650S already available?

I need to make a reachability study which involves this robot model.




:) Regards,


  • IRB6650S_300_200_M2000.rar


    I have the models, but I don't have the controller, sorry. image

    I hope that this ones can help you.

  • Thanks, Sergio.

    The controller I can create myself with robotware version 103.

    :) Regards,
  • For IRB650S_350_125, I made a controller, however the work range can not be over 3.0 m which causes of an error.

    How you work with it? Please give me a tip ASAP.

    Thank you.

    Tony Kim
  • Did you check the correct robottype when creating the virtual controller?

    Which error message did you get?

    When do you get the error? When jogging the robot with mech status window or when moving to a robtarget?

    When using lineair jog in the mech status, I can't jog beyond 3000 mm. When jogging in axis mode, there is no problem. When jogging to a target which is at x 3500, y 0 z 500, there is no problem either.

    Conclusion, the mech status window does not work properly.

    :) Regards,
  • I used correct robottype that I've already checked with SEROP engineer. They have same problem as mine.

    My problem is that I tried to run the program that is already running at site very well, but it doesn't work in RS 3.1 due to working area limit error.

    I know each single target is working fine.

    Have you tried it in AUTO MODE?   

  • Hello,

    I used the mech status window in axis to move the robot around a bit, used teach target to create the targets, then created a path with both moveJ and moveL. I used the tool tool0 and it was in automode. It works fine.

    I enclosed the station I used. Please use you own VC.

    As I said, the mech status window seems not to be able to jog further than 3000 mm.

    :) Regards,
  • Dear all,

    After some investigation we have found a limitation in the IRB6650S-model.

    Please use the link below to download a new model. robots/New_IRB6650S_RobotStudio.exe

    Open -> Install immediately

    Save -> Download and install later

    We are sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused you!

    Best regards

    /Ulrika Mor?n


    Ulrika Mor?n38422,6296643519