RobotStudio event

Can’t write in rab



I have a big problems. I have made a HMI where i have to write in some text string in my rapid code. But if i use "" i can't write into my rapid. My string won't accept it.

How come. I use RAP 5.10 an VS2008.

Best regards Klaus

Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • RussD

    It also fails on the Data Viewer on the FlexPendant with a message "Value out of range", so evidently "" is an illegal character in strings, despite the description of allowable characters in the RAPID kernel reference. In RSO, the syntax checker refers to an unexpected, unknown token.

    Interestingly, it looks like you can use "\" without getting syntax errors.

    *****update from the string literal section of the kernel reference****

    The possibility to use character codes provides a means to include non printable
    characters (binary data) in string literals. If a back slash or double quote character
    should be included in a string literal it must be written twice.
    e.g. "A string literal"
    "Contains a "" character"
    "Ends with BEL control character7"
    "Contains a \ character"
    RussD2008-8-29 17:28:43
    Russell Drown