RobotStudio event

Reading state of task


I want to be able to get the state of a spesific task from a separate background task on a IRC5 robot running multitasking.

I have tried with the command RunMode(Main) but this only monitors the connected motion task (how do I connect a motion task?).

I have also looked at using sytem outputs and building a system uding event routines but it should be a easier way than this...

What I'm looking for is a command similar to the RunMode but with the option of specifying the task I wanna look at.
Have anyone had any luck with doing this?


Borte2008-9-16 12:29:21


  • Hi Borte,

    I've had the same problem, and solved this by setting and resetting some booleans and let those check in the main task. I for a period the boolean did not change, a error appears.

    Hope this helps.
  • You can use the System Output TaskExecuting and map it to a signal for each task you are interested in monitoring. This might only be supported in 5.11 or higher.
    Russell Drown