RobotStudio event




In an application I have to bind a lot of PERS values (approx. 150 values) in my rapid program to the application in the FlexPendant.
In the manual it says that it's only possible to bind one signal or one rapid data object in the same BindingSource. But I found out that for signals it's possible to bind several signals in one SignalBindingSource and separate them by the index. Is there a way to do the same with the RapidDataBindingSource? It would be very convenience to be able to specify to which TextBox, TpsLabel and so on the RapidDataObject should bind to in a RapidDataBindingSource. Otherwise I have to set up a RapidDataBindingSource for every value...or?

I'm using RW and RAB 5.10 version

//Magnus Johnson

M Johnson2008-9-17 18:29:34


  • carlosmtz2000


    I have not tried this myself, but you should be able to do it. The BindingSource (either Signal or RapidData) can "list" one or more data objects, and then you can move through the list.

    Are you trygin to connect 150 different values and show them at the same time, or one at a time?


    Carlos Martinez
  • Hi Carlos,

    I'm creating an interface for robot/machine handling with start, stop, homerun, cycletimes, alarms, settings and so on. In the interface I have 6 diffrent 'Tab pages' and in each tab there are between 4 and 30 values...


  • carlosmtz2000

    Hi Magnus,


    I managed to get inside the forums agains ;)


    For the tabpages that you are going to show, are they shoeing the wame type of data?? i just want o have an idea how much data you will be connected; this does not affect the idea that you should be able to add a list of signals or rapid data inside the BindingSource and just change the index to determine which is the current value.



    Carlos Martinez