RobotStudio event

Reset output values to zero


i am new to robot studio and any help would appriciated :) ,, my problem is when i am pushinf E-Stop its doing what its suppose to do and stopping every thing but when i realse the E-Stop the outputs are comming back on, which i want them to stay off or reset to zero value, i have looked through the help menu and i found the following TriggStopProc which will reset the outputs to zero after Qstop (Emergency stop) but i cant get the correct format to write it in the rapid program ,, so if some one can give me an example of how to do it it will be great :) ,, the following is how its given in the help :

TriggStopProc RestartRef [DO] [GO1] [GO2] [GO3] [GO4] ShadowDO



TriggStopProc[ RestartRef ?_T:=?_T ] < persistent (PERS) of restartdata>[ ?_T?_T DO1?_T:=?_T < variable (VAR) of signaldo>[ ?_T?_T GO1?_T:=?_T < variable (VAR) of signalgo> ][ ?_T?_T GO2?_T:=?_T < variable (VAR) of signalgo> ][ ?_T?_T GO3?_T:=?_T < variable (VAR) of signalgo> ][ ?_T?_T GO4?_T:=?_T < variable (VAR) of signalgo> ] ?_T,?_T[ ShadowDO?_T:=?_T ] < variable (VAR) of signaldo> ?_T;?_T


but its not working for me :( so if some one can give me a better example would be really appriciated


thanks for your help in advance




  • I am not sure if this is what you are looking for... Just replace the doStartSpindle


     ! Procedure: SysQstop
     ! Description: System routine for event QUICK STOP.
     !   Initiated when the robot is quick stopped (emergency stop).
     PROC SysQstop()
      ! Resetting the Output
      SetDOSync, doStartSpindle, 0;