RobotStudio event

Event message 200051

Hi, i'm getting pretty often the Event Message 200051 while using Virtual FP.
This message tell you that your not allowed to execute a command (ex. run a program in VC) because of client conflict. The FP think that some other client (on RSO) has the control privilege. Wich is not the case. The workaround is to restart Robot Studio.

Any idea? I'm using RW 5.10.02 and RS 5.10.

Thank you for helping
- Francois


  • Henrik Berlin


    If the VC is set to manual mode from the FlexPendant and you try to start program execution from the RAPID Editor you will get this error message for instance. Can you please try and describe the scenario for which you get the problem?
    Henrik Berlin
  • fvadnais
    It seems to happened when I syncronize the program to the Station.

    What I understand is if I synchronize program to Station then i lost the privilege of using the virtual FlexPendant.

    How the station could then give back the control to the v FP ?
    - Francois
  • Henrik Berlin

    Are you trying to start the program from the FlexPendant?

    RobotStudio is designed to brutally take write access form the VC whenever needed but to leave it back when not needed. For some reason, RS keeps write access after you have synchronized.


    I see two potential solutions. Either start program execution from RobotStudio (from the RAPID Editor or from the Simulation Play button), or take write access back on the FlexPendant by going to manual mode and back to auto mode. Then the FP will have write access.
    Henrik Berlin
  • fvadnais
    Yes I was trying to strat the program (PP to MAIN) from the FlexPendant after a sync.

    Solution 1 is working : "start program execution from RobotStudio (from the RAPID Editor or from the Simulation Play button" shuts down the vFP and start simulation. The I have to restart the vFP if I want to re-use it.


    Solution 2 is working also : "going to manual mode and back to auto mode" with the vFP.


    Thank you very much!
    - Francois
  • Henrik Berlin

    The reason the VFP is shut down for "Solution 1" is probably because you use "Time Slice" mode for Virtual Time (see RobotStudio Options). Then RS forces the VFP to close to avoid the VFP to hang. If you want to keep the VFP open during program execution you need to change "Virtual Time" settings to "Free Run". However, if you run simulations with external equipment and use the Event Manager you are recommended to use "Time Slice" mode. In "Time Slice" mode RS controls the time and feeds the VC with time for each time step. In "Free Run" mode, the VC runs as fast as it can.
    Henrik Berlin