Adding objects to a robot model

I am using a 580 robot and I need to add the transducer cover to the sides of the robot.  Can someone tell me how I might be able to do this.  thanks in advance.  bob


  • Hi,

    I think this will be difficult.., it's not possible to add parts/enties to a mechanism. It's possible to attach the parts/entities though, but the robot will use the parts as if they were a tool, so they won't stay in place and will move in relation with the "tool mounting plate".

    I think the only way to get it working is to build your own mechanism.. e.g. bij downloading the geometry of the robot (  > product range > CAD models ), splice the geometry into the individual axis, add your own parts/entities, and then build the robot from scratch with the kinematic modeller (included in the RS Plus+ Pack)

    to get it 100% correctly working will proove to be very difficult, and besides that i think the CAD models of the 580 can't be downloaded from ... 

    anyway.. good luck image

    <@Logan&gt; I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident.
    <Beeth> And your point is?
    <@Logan&gt; I was thinking "What the hell is this guy doing?"
  • Hello,

    I think it is possible to attach parts lower into the kinematic chain of the robot: I have attached wirefeeders to axis 3 of my welding robot.

    Open the component tree of your robot, and go thru robotmodel->links->link3->partname. Take the part you wish to add and use drag-and-drop to attach your part to partname of the robot. If you chose yes at reposition, and your part will appear somewhere on your robot. Use the modify->position option to reposition your part.

    Your part will be moved with the axis you have selected. It is not included into the robot, but is attached to it. Which works fine


    :) Regards,
  • Jan-Jaap,

    Thank You!!!!   image     Your solution worked perfectly

