Cycle Time?

What should I think about when I use RobotStudio for checking the cycle time?
/Martin Lundh
Product manager
ABB Robotics


  • When you calculate the cycle time you should be aware that:
    - RAPID timers cannot be used e.g. to display cycle time in the WinTPU, that gives wrong result
    - In previous versions of the VC there was a problem of zone errors on Win2000 and WinXP that gave too long cycle time
    - The tested path must end with a fine point to get the correct result (the real robot always treat the last point as a fine point). If not you get variances.
    - There is a fix "lag error" of 0.1 sec
    - Non-motion instructions are not supported
    Best regards
    /Ulrika Mor?n
    Support Engineer
    Ulrika Mor?n37867,5855902778
  • I got two new questions:

    - It is mentioned that "Non-motion instructions are not supported". Whould you please explain what doed it exactly mean? e.g. instructions such as ConfL_Off or ConfJ_Off are supported or not?

    -How much big is approximately the variance of cycle time if the path does not end with a fine point? e.g. 0.5 sec or 1-2 sec or ...

    Best regards,


  • It is mentioned that "Non-motion instructions are not supported". Whould you please explain what doed it exactly mean? e.g. instructions such as ConfL_Off or ConfJ_Off are supported or not?

    They are fully supported but not included in the motion time calculation.


    /Martin Lundh
    Product manager
    ABB Robotics
  • It is mentioned that "Non-motion instructions are not supported". Whould you please explain what doed it exactly mean?

    To give an example:

      PROC routine1()
        VAR num X:=0;
        WHILE X<10000 DO

    Running this module would take some time for the real controller since the processor needs to go through those 10000 steps. But since it contains no motion instruction, RobotStudio will give the time as 0. This will only affect your motion time calculation if you have large mathematical calculations or loop through a lot of database information, or, if you do something like I did in the example above.