MS Visual C++ Runtime Library Error

Hello there. First of all, I'm pretty pleased to join this forum.

Just call me spaik anyway....

The question is that I was testing "Track Motion" in RobotStudio and

I followed the instruction(RS manual) such as import libraries and

track, then turn the controller then setting track configure. But

whenever the controller is running, there is a error and the controller

shuts down.

The error message is "MS virtual C++ runtime library (runtime

error) program c:progra~1commonABBAUT~1INTERL~1

INTERL2.EXE  abnormal program terminate"

Due to error occuring, I cannot keep going on. Please show me the

solutions thank you.

Best & Kind Regards,


  • Hello Spaik,

    This can happen when you have a conflict with the added .cfg files and the possibilities in the controller. Unfortunalty, the error handling has room for improvements image. What kind of robot and external axes are you using?

    RS does not have enough .cfg files to link all robots to all kinds of external axis (in the manual you will find a table of possibilities). If your configuration is not listed you will either have to use the system that is loaded into your real robot or ask someone at ABB to create the right cfg files.

    :) Regards,
  • Thank you for your reply, I'm using IRB6650. Well...I'll try again and thanks for your comments.
    Best & Kind Regards,