SETGO Issues

Hello, I have a question about how to handle Group Output / Inputs.  Below is a Main PROC that I am running in the actual robot.  I have loaded the EIO file that contains the GO into Robot Studio but  I am setting  a (Task MAIN:  Reference to unknown entire data gooption).  Is there a way of running this in studio, because right now I am having to REM out the SETGO and WaitUntil lines.  Thanks in Advance.  Bob


  PROC main()
    SetGO goOption,0;
    WaitUntil GInput(giOption) = 1;
    SetGO goOption,1;
    WaitUntil GInput(giOption) = 2;
    SetGO goOption,2;
    WaitUntil GInput(giOption) = 3;
    SetGO goOption,3;
    WaitUntil GInput(giOption) = 4;
    SetGO goOption,10;
    MoveL phomepos,v500,fine,tUserTool0;


  • Hello Bob,

    Could post also the EIO that you are using, and a list of the options that you have in your VC?

    :) Regards,
  • Hi Bob

    If you open the teachpendant in RS and go to the IO view, can you then see the group signals goOption and giOption?

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Hello Jan-Jaap and Per,

    Attached is a copy of one of the robots I am have in RS.

    Jan-Jaap --- What exactly fo you mean by options in the VC?

    Per --- As far as the IO view, I am showing absolutely nothing for IO

    I am attaching an Excel with snapshots of the errors that are appearing on the TPU.

    Thank you for looking into this.  If there is anything else that I can send you to see whats going on, please let me know



  • Hello Bob,

    Your EIO file is not complete: there are some unit types missing. If you start your VC from the windows teach pendant you will see some  errors appear:

    unspecified unit type AcaVsio

    unspecified unit type AmaVsio

    unspecified unit type DPIO

    You will have to specify them in your EIO file (or in system parameters -> IO -> unit types.

    Good luck,

    :) Regards,