RobotStudio event

5.11 Using Watch window with background variables

I am debugging the interaction between my background and foreground programs and am using the watch window to monitor the values of PERS variables in my background program.
The watch window only updates when I select the foreground program tab, then the background program tab again in the RAPID editor. This makes debugging difficult. Is there a better method to force the Watch window to update after each step of the foreground program?

Thanks for any help.



  • Klaus
    Hi Kevin

    During leraning RAB in .net i have develop a tiny program where you scan netvork for robots. Then select a robot and it scan the robot for task and modules. After that you scan the selected modul for var types and can make your one watch window. 

    You can also use IO in my watch window.

    I have made a doc with some screen shots you can see. 

    The Robot need PC interface.


    You can send your email and you can try it if you want. 

    Best regards Klaus
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • Kevin
    Hi Klaus,

    I would like to try your program, which looks a very useful tool!
    I will send you my email address.

    Many thanks for your reply,
