RobotStudio event

station history at RS 5.11

How can I delete the station history at RS 5.11?


  • Hi,

    There is no GUI for this, so you need to manually edit the file "options511.xml" located in the folder 

    C:Documents and Settings<your user name>Local SettingsApplication DataABB Industrical ITRobotics ITRobotStudio


    You can also delete the whole file, but then you will loose your customized options settings.


    Note: Ensure that RobotStudio is closed when you edit the file. Otherwise your changes will be overwritten when RS is closed. 
    Henrik Berlin
  • thx for the answer,
    but this file doesnA't exist on my computer..

  • Hi,

    The search path above shows the location on a standard Windows installation. The system variable %APPDATA% may give some hint on where to find your options file.


    Start -> Run -> type "cmd" to start the command window -> Type "set" press enter to display your environment variables. Look for the APPDATA variable.

    Henrik Berlin
  • Additional information:
    By default, the folder is hidden. Ensure that you have changed
    your setting to "Show hidden files and folders" in Windows Explorer,
    see below.

    Windows Explorer -> Tools -> Folder Options
    -> View -> "Hidden Files and folders" -> Show hidden files and

    Note: The APPDATA folder is NOT the correct folder in this case, but if your Windows installation is customized to use other search paths, then it is likely that the Local Settings folder with the RobotStudio options is located in a neighbourhood of your APPDATA folder.

    Henrik Berlin