Writing in RS


I would like to write something in RS station but I couldn't find writing function in RS. Is it possible to write in RS or should I make 3D characters whenever I'd like to write? Please show me how to make it. thanks

Best & Kind Regards,


  • Hi

    If you just want to display some simple text information on for example a part you could use markups otherwise creating 3d characters is the way to do it.

    Here is an simple example of how to create a markup on a part

    Sub SetMarkup()
        Dim p As Part
        Set p = ActiveStation.Parts("Part1")
        p.MarkUps.Add "MyInfo", "This is part " + p.Name, rsMarkupType2D
    End Sub

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Thank you very much, it was pretty useful.
    Best & Kind Regards,
  • One more thing...

    changing font type and color are possible?

    Best & Kind Regards,
  • Hi

    If you look at the markup object in the object browser you will see what you can do.

    Some of the proerties:
    - Textorientation
    - Text position
    - Textsize
    - Background color

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products