DataChanged events

Are there any plans to expand the RapidDomain with DataTypeChanged events?

It would be very useful to be able to subscribe to variables as needed and/or get changed events by RAPID type.

Am I missing something, i.e. is  there a mechanism in place to do this?

Russell Drown


  • Hi Russ,

    no, you are not missing something, it is not available, but has been added to the requirement specification (change event for persistent variables; as far as I know for datatypes string, bool and num).

    A workaround would be subscribing to signal change events (virtual signals should work, too).



  • Hi Russ,

    in RAB 5.06 you can add event handlers for persistent Rapid data changed events.

    Urban Vikblom
  • Hi Urban,

    Is there a 5.06 RAB beta build that can be downloaded yet?

    Russell Drown
  • Russ,

    the release version should be ready next week or so. Since I'm outside ABB I cannot download any version, but the current FlexPendant SDK beta is very stable.

    Urban Vikblom