RobotStudio event

Executing programs in a basic S4/S4c externally?


I must execute programs without control pendant, and the controller is
a basic and "naked" S4/S4c (no WebWare, no FactoryWare/RAP, no Advanced
Options, no DSQs... only floppy and RS232/Ethernet ports) I could
activate the FTP server and put files from a PC in the controller HD,
but now I want use a PC/PLC/DIY electronic board to load and execute
programs saved in FTP. How can I? I think some absurd ideas:

1A?) Use RS232/RJ45 ports, but without FactoryWare/RAP I don't have any clue about

2A?) Use PLC + DeviceNet/CAN and put Robot in Slave Mode, but i can't
find information about configuration of this mode for S4/S4c and I
don't know if i need extra hardware/firmware

3A?) Connect a custom electronic tinkermachine in control pendant port
and send bytes to select and execute program, but i can't find the
protocol specs

Can somebody help me with this problem? Links or info will be welcome

Thank you and sorry my badde english please!


  • Hi, i am not shure that i understand your problem, you don't have a teachpendant?
  • Hello Rookie,

    i am so sorry, but i am still learning english and i am a bit unintelligible sometimes, i will try hard this time! I have a teachpendant, of course, but i don't have RAP option or soft for CAN2/Slave Mode option, no WebWare Server or SDK... with a S3, it exists RS232 commands to execute programs loaded in controller, with S5, Slave Mode option (PLC control, i think) is a "default option" and you don't need pay more money for that... And S4/S4c? Well, this system has a RS232 port, a ethernet port but you can't use them to execute a programm without an addon, that cost >3000?,?, for example WebWare (perhaps i am wrong and you can correct me... if i am wrong, i will be really happy!) So, I think... "I have to execute a program with a PC, the teachpendant sends a signal and the program begins, i can send the same signal using a DIY-junkpiece connected to the PC (a.k.a microcontroller + serial or USB or...) and it works..." Ok, but i have a problem, i don't know the protocol of the signal (CAN maybe?)... It is just a crazy idea and if you know a better low cost system to make this and you can give me some info about, thank you very much!... if you don't, thank you very much for your reply!

  • Hello forum,

    i talked with an ABB's technician and he says me about LoadStart system parameter...and that command it's a partial solution to my problem. I have configure one Digital Input (DI) to "LoadStart" the AUTOLOAD.PRG. After I rewrite the program in controller's FTP with STOP in the last line (because it executes prg in default mode "continuous"... clues to change default value to "cycle"?) every time that I need run one different. Finally I active DI with a relay
    which can controlled by my PC. Ok, it's not very elegant, but it works for less than 20 euros (12F PIC+MAX232+RELAY)!