RobotStudio event

Path From Curve.


Does anyone know if it's possible to specify how many tag points to create on a curve?


Currently I can only specify the offset between the tag points using the 'constant / constant distance' field. I would like to select a curve then create x number of tag points along that curve (allowing the software to workout the specing between the tag points).


Any ideas...???






  • Anders S
    Hi Paul,
    No that is not possible. But I will add it as a request for future releases.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • PerSvensson
    Writing the stuff yourself is much more fun Wink
    Here is an addin that does this.
    Just copy the dll to "where you installed RS"inAddins.

    A new button will show up in the Home tab just after Path from Curve.
    It's only enabled if you have selected a Curve.

    This is the first version so there are a lot of features missing like
    - Be able to select several curves (now only on a single curve)

    - Be able to select task/workobject (now active workobject)

    - Define target names (now CurveTarget_xx)

    - Set travel axis (now no alignment at all)

    But still it will distribute the amount of targets with equal distance along the curve.

    If you select start/end the input amount of targets will be reduced by 1 or 2.


    Let me know if you find any buggs or  improvments(I'm sure there is because I haven't tested it a lot)

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • paul_gkn
    Thanks Anders / Per.

    I'll give the addin ago and let you know how I get on.

