RobotStudio event

Robot on track and View Robot on Target


When you have robot on track (IRBT6003F in my case), it seems to me that the 'View Robot on Target' don't behave well.


When you click/select some target, and robot should jump to selected target automatically, following happends:


Robot updates its joint values, by using new target and !! current track position !!, after that the track position is updated related to the new target. This leads that robot have wrong joint values and position. Reclicking the target correct the robot position, because the track already have correct position and the robot joint values can be calculated correctly.


'Jump to Target' don't have this problem and is working correctly.




  • What I know this is a known issue that is allready reported.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Correct, this is a known problem that will be solved to the next release.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics