RobotStudio event

Communication using socket Program

    I am using sockets for communication between Robot Studio Rapid program and another program from MS VS2008 Csharp.I would like to recieve the data from the Csharp program and used it in the rapid code.
For example : I will send a number of type double and would like to receive it as  type "num" in RAPID .Is this possible? If so How do I do it.
If you need further details/calirifactions let me know.



  • Klaus
    Hi Ravi.
    I have worked with raw bytes but gets some problems. There for i'm only using textstrings with socket. Convert your double to string in c#. Send it by socket to the robot and then convert it to num( StrToNum). Remember to replace , with . (Ascii 46  and ascii 44).

    If you need more help just ask


    Br. Klaus
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn