RobotStudio event

DeleteAlias in WWSDK 3.2 [WebWare SDK]

First of all, we're using Webware SDK 3.2 service release 2 and we have been testing with Interlink Module 3.0.0060.

We are able to run wonderfully until there is a disconnection, at which point all of the instances of our program server disconnect at the same time (because their aliases are deleted from interlink). Is there some issue with the DeleteAlias function that causes this? Is the DeleteAlias function the proper way to disconnect from a robot in Interlink?




  • Is the problem that Interlink unexpectedly disconnects or do you mean that all configured aliases in Interlink disconnects when using then .DeleteAlias method, even though you have specified only shutting down one of them ?

    If it is necessary to remove the alias from the current Interlink session you could use the DeleteAlias method of the Helper control. If you want to delete an Alias permanently from Interlink you should use the DeleteAlias of the InterlinkAlias object.

    Best regards,
    Anders Dannberg
    ABB Automation    Technologies
    Support Engineer

  • Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

    The disconnection for a single instance of the program is caused either by a real connection problem, or choosing the disconnect option (which calls Helper1.DeleteAlias(Helper1.Robot) ) At that point, all of the other Aliases disappear from interlink and interlink configuration manager (which isn't what we want). Is it necessary to delete the alias at all? If you don't does it leave it in a connected state or something? The interlink monitor still shows "running" if the alias is not deleted.

    Thanks again,

  • I have tested this functionality with Webware SDK and Interlink 4.0.437, and was not able to reproduce this behaviour. I.e using Helper1.DeleteAlias(Helper1.Robot) will delete only the selected alias and not affect other connected aliases.

    It is not necessary (depending on your SDK project requirements) to delete the alias when disconnecting. Interlink will simply try to reconnect upon any unexpected disconnection with the robot.

    In your code, you can always check the state of the Interlink connection using the InterfaceState property of the Helper control.

    I would recommend using Webware SDK 4.0.

    Best regards,
    Anders Dannberg
    ABB Automation Technologies
    Support Engineer

  • I'll see if we can get a hold of version 4. As it stands now, if we don't delete the alias it seems to run, disconnect and connect alright.

    Will this cause problems if another machine tries to run the program for the same robot while interlink still has an alias listed as running?

    I have another concern about an error from one program server instance causing the other program server instances to stop processing.. but I'll need to reproduce that problem before I can ask the right questions.

    Thanks, you've been very helpful.

  • I can confirm that we have seen several issues when multiple Interlink connections are trying to connect or connected to the same S4 controller.

    Best regards,
    Anders Dannberg
    ABB Automation Technologies
    Support Engineer

  • We will make sure to run only one instance of program server for each robot so as not to cause any of the issuesimage. Thanks.

    We now have WebWare SDK 4 and Interlink 4, and I'll begin compiling with that shortly.

    Another question though; the robot engineers here would like to know whether we will need to upgrade our robot software to work with the new Interlink and WebWare software. They say the robots are currently using Rapid 2.7. Will this affect anything with Interlink?

    Thanks again,

  • RussD
    What controller model are you using, e.g. M98, M2000...?
    Russell Drown
  • They say M94.

  • RussD

    If everything you are trying to do with your current RobotWare version works, there should be no reason to change.

    Note that the full feature set of the SDK will not be supported on older controllers like M94.

    Russell Drown
  • Thanks RussD and AndersD.

