RobotStudio event

Communicating Baldor drive with IRC's devicenet

I hope somebody can help me......

I have almost cracked it but not quite there yet. I have the Baldor drive writing values to the ABB robot giSERVO and it is reading the values correct  (ie baldor ---> ABB -working well)

But when writing the values into goSERVO  the baldor is reading rubbish values.  (ie robot ---> baldor -not working). I have duplicated the configuration of the reading and writing both ways and I am not sure what the problem is.

The baldor & a profibus PBUS gateway 352 is also connected to the devicenet ,could it be conflicting with the gateway.

The command telegram on the baldor is set on process data at intervals of 10ms, the last 4 bytes is where the values should go. I noticed that if I set all the bits of 4 bytes ON, the baldor receives a value of -256 , as if the mapping is wrong or convoluted!!! Please find attached my eio file.

As anyone had a similar problem and how was it solved.  Many thanks in advance.  Merry x-mas....


  • Maybe there is a big-endian little-endian mismatch, or 0 vs 1 based indexing problem? Can you attach your I/O cfg file?

    Russell Drown
  • Hi Russell,
    It's not obvious but I don't know how I can insert my file to post reply.


  • Click the Full Reply button and you will see options for uploading files.

    Russell Drown