RobotStudio event

Reading cross connections with PCSDK


I am interested in reading the cross connection configuration from the robot using PCSDK. I can get the object for the ExternalIO configuration database, and I can get the object for the EIO_CROSS section, but I don't know how to read the individual entries, since they don't have a "name" attribute like the other config entries.

For example, my first guess would be to use get_Item(string name) and pass the resultant as the name, but that does not seem to work. Does anyone know how to do this?

Thank you.


  • Micky
    Micky ✭✭✭

    i have the same problem, but i want to read a rewrite the CountsPerMeter value from the EIO_COMMAND.



          -Unit "Qtrack1" -CommandType "CountsPerMeter" -Value "31118"


    It is possible to read the complete list for of the EIO-Commands, change the required parameter and write back the complete list to the robot controller ?



