RobotStudio event

L e d and Switch controls


Hello ,

I have seen in the RAb 5.11 the  l e d and th eswitch control, but no descripA"tion on the manual.


Can yuo add some example for them on the forum?


It seems not possible to  use teh databinding, isn't it?



John Wiberg2012-04-17 09:33:21
Oscar Ferrrato


  • carlosmtz2000
    Hi Oscar,

    These controls support databinding. There most important properties of these controls are:


    - OffImage Gets or sets the Image that is displayed when led/switch is Off
    - OnImage  Gets or sets the Image that is displayed when led/switch is On
    - OffValue Gets or set a value which will be set when led/switch is Off
    - OnValue Gets or set a value which will be set when led/switch is On


    - Value - This value of this property is compared agains OffValue and OnValue. If the value is equal to OnValue, the control will show the OnImage; otherwise it will show the OffValue.


    You can bind the Value, OffValue and OnValue to rapid / io data.


    Carlos Martinez