RobotStudio event

Reset the AbsAcc parameter for the VC


Ref release notes
Absolute Accuracy may cause the VC to miss the programmed position
Workaround: Reset the Absolute Accuracy parameters for the virtual system
I have this problem but can not find How to reset.
Can some one help me.


  • RussD

    Use RobotStudio and follow these steps (see
    Operating manual - RobotStudio
    for more information):

    To verify that Absolute Accuracy is active, look at the Jogging window on the FlexPendant.
    When Absolute Accuracy is active, the text "Absolute Accuracy On" is shown in the upper
    left part of the window.

    Activate Absolute Accuracy

    Use RobotStudio and follow these steps (see
    Operating manual - RobotStudio for more information):
    1. If you do not already have write access, click Request Write Access and wait for
    grant from the FlexPendant.
    2. Click
    Configuration Editor and select Motion.
    3. Click the type
    4. Configure the parameter
    Use robot calib and change the value to "calib".
    5. Restart the controller for the changes to take effect.


    1. If you do not already have write access, click
    Request Write Access and wait for
    grant from the FlexPendant.
    2. Click
    Configuration Editor and select the topic Motion.
    3. Click the type
    4. Configure the parameter
    Use robot calib and change the value to "uncalib".
    5. Restart the controller for the changes to take effect.
    Russell Drown
  • Thks for reply

    I try this but i have a offset between VFP and Station (see picture)

    when load my backup for real sytem and deactive the AbsAcc, the offset do not clear


    I found a little bug with pers wobj.

    The value of pers do not updated when it is modifie by program. (see picture)

    When syncronize to station the position is wrong.

    Just click on the step in button to restart program and the value is update properly.


  • Klaus
    I have seen the same problem.

    It also apers during executing the program. I ca't se tha calculted dim during executing is being updated on the rapid editor.

    BR Klaus
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • Henrik Berlin

    Try to reset all AbsAcc-related parameters, see the attached manual


    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi

    Tks for information


    I will try copy a moc files from empty robot but the file is invalid when try load this file

    I save parameter, edit file and i have the same error.

    absacc need a file with no zero value ???

    can you send me a file for my robot IRB6600_175_255


    Tks again

    Happy new Year