RobotStudio event

Controller restart (P-Start)


i want to run a controller P-Start from a PC-SDK application, but the controller restart method supports only the cold and the warmstart.



Is there any other possibilty to execute a remote P-Start, because RobotStudio provides all other restart methods like I-Start, P-Start,X-Start, etc.



Thank you in advance for your assistance. 









  • Its not exposed through the public API, so there is not much you can do. The only alternative I can think of is that you could write an invisible FlexPendant SDK application that did nothing but "listen" for some request, like a signal to be set, to perform a P-start. That would require that your robot(s) always had the right option, code/config, plus this application in order for this to work.
    Russell Drown
  • Micky
    Micky ✭✭✭
    Hello Russ,

    thank you for your help.


    It is possible to integrate the P-Start into a future release of the PC-SDK ?



