RobotStudio event

Connection from Interlink to IRC5 Problem [WebWare SDK]

We are trying to get the Interlink Monitor software to connect to some IRC5 controllers that are loaded with the PC Interface option.  Here is some data regarding it below:

Robot 1:
IP =
Submask =
Gateway =

Robot 2:

IP =

Submask =

Gateway =

IP =
Subnet =
Gateway =

I uploaded the Interlink Setup screen I have as well.  I can ping the robot fine from the PC.


Any thoughts? (...or more info needed?)



  • My OS on the PC is Windows 2003 Server SP2

    netmatt2009-01-09 17:50:44
  • For IRC5, the PC and robots need to be on the same network subnet in order for the robots to connect automatically. Otherwise, you need to statically configure IP addresses in a file called controllerid.xml. Here is an example file:


    Edit and copy this file into the following directory on the PC with Interlink:


    C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobAPI


    then restart Interlink. This should allow you to browse using the netscan feature to find your robots if they are communicating.


    Russell Drown
  • Thanks Russ.  We got this setup, but the results seem to be the same.  See uploaded picture below...


    Any other thoughts?

  • We did get past this, by providing more detail in the XML file, versus just the IP address, as defined in the example for the "required information"

    We were only able though to get to an "initializing" state.  We are currently stuck there.

  • Hi
    1) Are you an ABB-employee? Then you can get WebWare support through C2.


    2) Please check that the controllers are booted with 616-1 PC Interface option.


    3) If 2 is OK then zip and upload a robot backup and the folder C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataABB AutomationInterlink to this topic or submit a new C2-case.


    Lennart H
  • No, not an ABB employee, but an ABB partner.  Is this C2 support available to ABB Partners as well?

    We will check on the 616-1 PC Interface option, mentioned above, and get the requested data.  Thanks for the reply

  • webwiz/2206/

    I have not been able to find someone onsite to confirm/understand about the 616-1 PC Interface option, and if it is running?  How would we check for this?  (Even the ABB representative onsite does not know Confused )

    Also, in the link above, is a page from the 3HAC032104-001_RevB_en.pdf (Operating Manual RobotStudio 5.12) document.  It seems to infer that "Initializing" is a controller state, and that maybe we can move the controller to a ready/running/stopped state?

    Is Interlink perhaps just reporting back the state of the controller, which is initializing?  If so, can we switch that state to another?

    Thanks for any help!

  • To see if PC interface is installed on the Flexpendant select ABB button then System Info
    Expand System propertiescontrol module and select options. Now you should be able to see what options that is installed in your system
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering