RobotStudio event

Backup/Restore in system faile state

(I am not sure if this is the rigth place to poset this)

I would very much like Backup/Restore to be availeble when in system fail state in next robotware release.

My customer calls, "I did something wrong and now most of the items in the menu is greyed out..."
Can you take a backup and send to me? no
Can you restor a Backup from yesterday? no, its all greyed out...


Win 7-64
RS 5.15RC1
Q9950 16gb


  • You can do a diagnostic dump in SysFail mode, which will contain information about the actual cause of the failure. This is what you should forward to ABB, if necessary, to get technical support.


    Unless there is an invalid configuration, a warm-start will usually get the controller out of SysFail state, at worst an I-start will always work.
    Russell Drown