RobotStudio event

Can please help me for checking reachability

Hi helper,

I write a VSTA program to check reachability for each target. The code simply uses:
 ConfigurationData[] myConfs = station.ActiveTask.Mechanism.GetAllConfigurations(myRsTarget, station.ActiveTask.ActiveTool);
However, I find some points, the program check it not reached, but with FlexPendant the robot can reach it. For example, using:
wobjdata wobj :=[FALSE,TRUE,"",[[1598.51,-522.571,-1330.96],[0.705495248162474,-0.000363491127860333,0.000659955232143482,0.708714249294778]],[[-348.992,-354.103,748.479],[0.996532181020372,0,-0.0832082459302009,0]]];
tooldata EOT:=[TRUE,[[-1.87471,2.58415,445.12],[0.999360237458758,-1.32423249768367E-05,3.43119764402598E-05,0.0357647093334071]],[0.001,[0,0,0.001],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0]];

The robot target is:
robtarget p40:=[[48.58,0.10,0.74],[0.092295,-0.701056,0.701058,0.0922952],[-1,0,-3,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];

Can someone please can help me out what is going on here and how to check reachability automatically.





  • Hi
    This must be a bugg.
    I ran a small program with configuration off and then the robot where able to go to the position. But there seams to be a small difference between the robot position and the target position in the graphics.

    I guess you have to report this issue to ABB
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Thanks for  reply, I have sent this to ABB Canada.
