RobotStudio event

No library defined for the type 'default'

I'm trying to open in RS 5.10, a created system based on a IRB340 'Pick Master prepared' .

The created system use the 5.10.02 RW.

The system opening seems to work in RS until this mesage appears:

There is no library defined for the type 'default'. You must manually search for the library.

Is this has something to do with PickMaster?

What should I serarch for?

Thanks for helping
- Francois


  • fvadnais

    NOTE: I should say that the "No library" message appears only after RESTORING a backup from RSO.

    - Francois
  • PerSvensson
    This is due to the fact that RS recognize the conveyers(CNV) that you have defined and there is no library file defined for that mech type. So what you can do is just select any library file or you can create your own conveyour library files and then select them when you start your system.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering