300MB files do not work?

I've received Jig, Car Panel, gun & Hanger data from customer.

For one station, I should use files at least total 300 MB (ACIS format).

( *Spot welding application, *Workstation Specification is Great)

How can you work with big files?

Problem: Crash very often, Too slow.

I am so frustrated. Please give me some advice ASAP.!!!imageimageimage


  • For solving above matter, I Deleted .sat files in support folder  and re-opened station. Somehow it works but still total about 10~30MB and when I use "Move along Path" Or Running directly from TPU, it's still very slow. Do you have any experience about speed problem??


    JK Hwang38406,3398958333
  • Hello JK Hwang,

    Have you tried changing the update rate for the simulation. 

    Go to Tools - Options - Mechanism - Simulation, update Rate ;  change to 20 and see if this is better for you.

    This is located on John Wibergs Toolbar.  if you have not downloaded yet. highly recommended, very useful!!!!! located top of forum.

    Regards, Bob

  • Thank you so much. But I have already tried it and it helps little bit. 

    Could you please tell me up to how much big files usually work very smoothly according to your experience? 

    JK Hwang38407,1759490741
  • The largest *.JT file I am using is a 32,979 kb file for the project I am currently on.

    Does you Computer meet the requirements for running RS.  I know I had problems (running slow) early on with RS until I got a high powered computer that met the requirements.  There are some people here trying to run RS on there field laptops and they are having the same problems on there computers as you having.

  • I see. Sometimes I am using many *.JT files (total 40~50 MB) of which RS speed is slow. So the thing is that the total file size should be less than 30MB like you said.

    Thank you so much, Bob. I really appreciate your kindness.

  • Hints/tips:

    Before importing files, check your settings under Tools-Options-Geometry. Make sure that you understand what they mean, and use them when importing files. This is really important.

    Always save the imported files as libraries.

    Always update your graphics card driver if you haven't done so. Most gfx card manufacturers send their first cards with a limited driver, so that they later can fix all problems in an updated driver.

    Check your RAM memory using the Task manager, if you frequently hit 95-100% when working with RS you should consider increasing your RAM memory.

    Increase you Virtual Memory, on Win2K this is done under. Control panel-System-Advanced-Performance-Change.

    Check your settings for graphics, Tools-Options-Graphics, twosided lightning [off] and Backface culling [on] increases graphics speed.

    Make the graphics window smaller.