Workobjects connected to part


I have a workobject connected to a part so then I move the part the wobj moves too. BUT then I change workobjects position the part doesn't move. Why not? I would like to have this function because then I write my program off-line I don't know exact position for all parts in the robotcell. I use workobjects everythere and then we install the robotcell I want to update my workobjects and see that all parts in RobotStudio follow them and comes to correct positions.


Best regards,
Sergej Saibel


  • Hi

    Work object are connected to the Part not the Entity so make sure you are selecting / modifying the Part not the Entity


  • Yes, I move a part, not an entity. But the part doesn't move with workobject, that's a problem.
    Best regards,
    Sergej Saibel
  • Can you see the attachment clip in the browser?

    I.E. Was the work object draged and droped onto the part?

    Sorry in advance if you are allready doing this.


  • Yes, I drag the workobject and drop it on the part and I see it "inside" the part among all of the entities. And then I move the part the workobject moves too but then I change position for the workobject the part stays still.
    Best regards,
    Sergej Saibel
  • Hi
    The workobject is just attached to the part and not the other way.
    Attachment only works in one direction. Workobjects(or any other objects) that is attached will move when you move the part that the workobject is attached to but if you move the workobject the part won't move.

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Ok, I was almost sure about it.image

    The next question - do you have some plans to implement it or I have to write it myself?image


    Best regards,
    Sergej Saibel
  • You'd have to write it yourself...
