API controller switch AutoManual


I wonder if somebody knows an API function that can switch virtual controller to AUTO and MANUAL modes. I would like to do it automatically before I make sync to stationcontroller.

By the way, sometimes than I save a program via API I get a temporary RAPID module in my program file. Robot Studio generates the module to execute "Move to target" command. Of course, I don't want this module in my program. It helps to switch controller to manual and back to auto again before I save the program. Do you know a better way to do?


Best regards,
Sergej Saibel


  • Nope, there is no such command in the RobotStudio API.

    For controlling the controller you need WW SDK, then you can do both to the Virtual and to your factory robots.


  • Is there a better way?

    Sure, just go to the Program Browser right click the controller and select Refresh, then if you see a RsTempMod just delete it.


  • Thank you very much!
    Best regards,
    Sergej Saibel