RobotStudio event

Obtaining FP cfg mastership in 5.11

Hi all,

I'm trying to write an FP app from which some configuration properties can be changed.

Reading configuration properties works fine, using Controller.Configuration.Read. Writing however results in a SYS_CTRL_E_MASTER_REJECT message.

Maybe I'm completely missing the point, but my guess is I need some mastership.

On the forum, I found some code snippets for obtaining mastership, like:

using (MasterShip m = MasterShip.Request(this.aController.Configuration))
I am using RAB 5.11. It appears that the MasterShip.Request() function (or Mastership small 's') is no longer supported; only Equals() and ReferenceEquals() functions. How do I obtain mastership in my RAB version now?





  • RussD
    Obtaining mastership from the FlexPendant is not supported because the FlexPendant always has mastership in teach mode (unless a remote client has been granted mastership), and modifying parameters is prohibted in automatic mode from the FP. Make sure that you are in teach, program execution is stopped, and motors are off. Mastership requests only apply to PCSDK. There are a few other conditions under which you might get that return code, you might also make sure that your rev. counters are updated, there are no hardware errors, that you have a program pointer, and also try switching from teach to auto and back to teach again.
    Russell Drown
  • RussD
    Also make sure that you have not disabled configuration access for your user through UAS.
    Russell Drown
  • jeroen
    Thank you Russell.

    It seems I missed the point.  I tested this and it worked (of course).

    I guess I'm done for today: I have learned somethingSmile.