RobotStudio event

Intercept TPWrite in FP app

Hi all,

I wonder if it is possible to intercept the TP output (TPWrite) in my C# FP application, so that I can display it in a listview in a controlled way and the output view doesn't pop in front.


The only option I found to suppress the TP output view is call the


function in a timer. I don't fancy it that way, and I don't have access to the output lines that way. Anyone any suggestions?




  • RussD

    There's nothing in the public api to do that. Maybe you should just write your messages to a PERS RAPID string or string array instead of using TPWrite and subscribe to that variable's change event, or just use data binding to display the values in your app as they are updated. You can also use the RAPID command TPShow TP_LATEST to return focus back to your application after you write to the operator console.

    Russell Drown