RobotStudio event

Closing the App

Hello, does anyone know whether it is possible to do it so that my app close it self? (instead of pressing the close button)
  I have tryed the Closeme() method. But it just close the form otherwise it stays active.


          thanks                wolfino


  • RussD

    Yes, this is a new feature in 5.11, but subject to the following caveat described in the Release Notes:

    "Support for closing an FP SDK application programmatically by calling CloseMe from the view class (the first view). Limitation: Client views will be removed from TAC when first view is a TpsForm, not when it is a TpsControl"


    So check which base class your view class inherits from, and try it again after changing it to TpsForm (if necessary).
    Russell Drown
  • wolfino
    Thank you very much for the answer ! iam going to try.