RobotStudio event

Fact or Fiction

We have a customer who wants to be able to tack a moving object with a camera mounted to a robot. the moving object will not be connected to any exteral axis or conveyor and is in free flight

The camera will have the ability to send data to the robot... this im advised can be "whatever the robot needs".


Has anyone seen anything like this before on an ABB robot?




  • hi,
    I installed a camera on my robot to find intersection of 2 edge.

    my part is fixed both with 2 image can find speed of part.

  • Thanks for the feed back...

    Our client want to track the moving component using the camera mounted on the robot

    The purpose is to create a high speed film of a moving object and the robot will need to track this motion due to the fact that the camera is mounted to the robot

    We are told that the camera can send postional information back to the robot.

    Therfore...Can an ABB robot track a moving target that is being continually updated by a camera and not an external axis or conveyor? I.E Fact or Fiction ?

  • Hi,

    A camera can be take a high speed film and give the position to the robot(see rri option for the robot). but it is very expensive, standard camera (5000$usa), you can take a frame and the camera send position after 0.5 to 1.5 sec. the speed is low. The most speed, you can reach between robot and camera is approximative 50ms. With this time you can calcul the max speed with your precision.


    For now the problem is only the price.