RobotStudio event

Obj not connected and recovery


here is my question:

I have an error: "Wobj not connected" code: 50174. I would like to know if it is posible to use the error handler and execute the next instruccion. I suppose I need a "TRYNEXT", but I donA't know how to implement this. The key is that if there is an error (Obj not connected) I want to move it to one position and if there is not an error I want to move itto another position.

Could this be correct?:

PROC first()

     SetDO DO_0, low;

     MoveL pos, v1000, z200, tool0;

     MoveL pos_obj, v1000, z0, tool0WObj:=wobjcnv1;

     IF DO_0=0 THEN

          MoveL pos_obj_2, v1000, z0, tool0WObj:=wobjcnv1;


          MoveL pos_2, v1000, z200, tool0;


     MoveL pos, v1000, z200, tool0;


        SetDO DO_0, high;
