User Define Axis


Frequently, when I work with RS for a project, I import some files from other application such as UG, CATIA, Solidworks and whatever.

At that time, the objects' (from other applications) coordination is different from RS. So I feel pretty difficult especially making rotation because sometimes the center of coordination is very far from the object which results in strange position.

what I want to know is when I make a rotation of an object from other application, can I designate its rotating center?

Several days ago I asked similar "Changing UCS" problem and I got negative answer (it's impossible)... please let me know thanks!!

Best & Kind Regards,


  • Hi spaik,

    Well, in the rotate dialog you can enter whichever values you wish. So regardless of which 'Reference' you are using you can enter a different point and rotate around that. It's quite easy to use Snap and click in the graphics to rotate around a specific point on an object.

    Create a cone, 250 by 500.
    Modify Rotate by 90? around X, notice that it revolves around it's base.
    Undo the Rotation so that it points upwards again.
    Modify rotate, but this time in the 'Base' fields enter 500 in Z and rotate by 90? around X. this time it revolves around the tip.image

    Also in the Rotate dialog you have the option to rotate by '2-points', this let's you define your own axis of rotation.image

    When it comes to imported CAD files remember that you can always use the 'Part' level for leverage.

    Create a box 500x500x500.
    Modify Rotate by 90?, notice that it rotates around the corner.
    Undo the rotation.
    Create a new Part, modify it's position to X:250 Y:250 Z:250.
    Drag'n'drop the solid box into the new part and delete the old part.
    Now Modify rotate the PART that the box is in by 45?.
    As you can see the new rotation is around the center of the box and not the corner.image

    On top of this you can create an assembly and drag'n'drop the part into that, which gives you another level with it's own coordinate system to use.image

  • (and don't forget the Modify:Place function)
  • Quite cool answer....many thanks!!!
    Best & Kind Regards,