RobotStudio event

Teach Instruction via API

How to teach a Move instruction via API? I have found how to set active tool, wobj, task and path. But what shall I do next?

Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Sergej Saibel


  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭

    Hi Saibel
    Here is code for teaching targets in API
    Sub CreateTarget(ByVal X As Single, ByVal y As Single, ByVal Z As Single)
    ' Check that we have an active station
    Dim CurX As Single
    Dim CurY As Single
    Dim CurZ As Single
    Dim CurRX As Single
    Dim CurRY As Single
    Dim CurRZ As Single

    X = X / 1000
    y = y / 1000
    Z = Z / 1000
    Dim station As Station = Project.ActiveProject
    If station Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim activeTask As RsTask = station.ActiveTask
    If activeTask Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    ' ' Find an unused name
    Dim targetName As String = ""
    For i As Int32 = 0 To Int32.MaxValue
    targetName =
    "Jim_1A_" + i.ToString()
    If activeTask.DataDeclarations.Contains(targetName) = False Then
    Exit For
    End If
    'Get current TCP position.
    ' ' Create a robtarget
    Dim robTarget As New RsRobTarget()
    Dim trans1 As Quaternion
    robTarget.Name = targetName
    ' Add the robtarget to the active task
    ' Create a target associated with the robtarget and the active workobject
    Dim workObject As RsWorkObject = station.ActiveTask.DataDeclarations("Wobj0")
    Dim myTarget As New RsTarget(workObject, robTarget)
    myTarget.Name = targetName
    ' Add the target to the active task
    New LogMessage("Created " + targetName + " in " + activeTask.Name))
    ' If the task has an active path procedure, create a new move instruction and add it
    Dim path As RsPathProcedure = activeTask.ActivePathProcedure
    If path IsNot Nothing Then
    Dim tool As RsToolData = activeTask.ActiveTool
    CurX = tool.Frame.GlobalMatrix.t.x
    CurY = tool.Frame.GlobalMatrix.t.y
    CurZ = tool.Frame.GlobalMatrix.t.z
    trans1 = tool.Frame.GlobalMatrix.Quaternion
    'CurRX = tool.Frame.GlobalMatrix.EulerZYX.x
    'CurRY = tool.Frame.GlobalMatrix.EulerZYX.y
    'CurRZ = tool.Frame.GlobalMatrix.EulerZYX.z
    myTarget.Transform.X = X
    myTarget.Transform.Y = y
    myTarget.Transform.Z = Z
    Dim procDef As RsProcessDefinition = activeTask.ActiveProcessDefinition
    Dim procTempl As RsProcessTemplate = procDef.ActiveProcessTemplate
    Dim moveInstr As New RsMoveInstruction(activeTask, procDef.Name, _
    procTempl.Name, procTempl.ActiveMotionType, _
    workObject.Name, robTarget.Name, tool.Name)
    End If
    End Sub

    BR Klaus
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • Saibel
    Some questions:

    Dim tool As RsToolData = activeTask.ActiveTool

    CurX = tool.Frame.GlobalMatrix.t.x

    CurY = tool.Frame.GlobalMatrix.t.y

    CurZ = tool.Frame.GlobalMatrix.t.z

    Here vi get tool position related to wobj0, not to our work object, isnt' it?

    Another question is axis configurations, are they missed here?


    Do you know if it's possible just to "click" on the Teach Instruction button control via API?

    Best regards,
    Sergej Saibel
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭
    Hi Sergej.
    First no there ain't any axis config and second i don't know, but you can read the current pos of the robot and then use this sub to teach a new target.


    BR Klaus 
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn