JT version 7.0


My customer had sent me two days ago some files of their surfaces in JT format. That's perfect because the file size is about 9 Mb, more or less.

The problem is that RS isn't able to open this file, because it has been compressed with 7.0 version of JT, and i think that RS could only open until 6.4 version.

It's this possible?Do you know if there's any possibility to change the file version? I really don't know what i've to do..

Thanks in advance for your help

I don't know what to say..


  • Hello Jordi,

    Are you sure your haven't mixed .jt and .sat files up. RobotStudio 3.1 is running on ACIS version 12, we are not sure there are versions of jt-files.

    Do you think it is possible for your customer to save the file in an older format, that should probably make it possible to import it.

    Best regards

    /Ulrika Mor?n

  • Thanks Ulrika for your quick response!

    My customer is trying to send me the igs files of the pieces, but the problem is that they are too large. He sent me an igs file before, i made the translation and i got a correct jt file with CadConverter, in version 6.4. Then i see that the jt files that they were sending had a newer version. I suppose that when i got the other pieces i'll be able to work with them.

    The reason of using jt files is that the pieces i've are very big (about 60MB) and i should work with two or three pieces. If i don't do it, Robot Studio can't work correctly.

    I don't know what to say..