RobotStudio event

Flexpendant Viewer......

Shocked Hello,

Does anybody know how I can use the feature 'Flexpendant Viewer' with a online Robotcontroller?


I get an error all the time in the 'Output window'!


Best regards,





  • Are you connected as a UAS user with less than full access? There is a known issue with this scenario. What version of RS and RW are you using?

    Russell Drown
  • RussD,

    I am using the same software-hardware as Jaaahhh:

    RobotStudio 5.12

    RobWare 5.12.0

    Windows XP SP2


    We are logged in as Programmer with all rights.


    The error message is:

    RobotStudio .NET exeption: Flexpendant capture failed.

    Base exception: COMException

    Exeption from HRESULT: 0xC0040401 at RobotStudioOnline.AppWindows.FlexpendantViewer.CaptureCompleted(AsyncResult result)











  • Look at your default user specifically, it must have full access or else the FPViewer won't work. It doesn't matter what user you are logged in as, I think FPViewer uses default user to access, so if it doesn't have full access it won't work. This is scheduled to be fixed in 5.12.01.

    Russell Drown
  • Russ,

    You are right. Thumbs Up   Just another ABB bug? If you give the default user full access then the Flexpendant Viewer is working.  For now this can temporarely be a workaround. When is 5.12.1 expected?


    Mario and Luigi will be happy.


    Ciao from Italy
  • It should be available somewhere around week 24-25, i.e. mid June.
    Russell Drown