RobotStudio event

Getting Clock Value on Controller


I would like to get the Clock value set in RAPID during runtime of the controller.

How can I access this value on visual studio, I realize that it cannot be raed as RapidData because it is not declared as a PERSISTENT variable.


Please assist on how I can solve this problem.


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but powerful beyond measures!


  • You can get/set the Controller.DateTime property with a valid Date datatype value. You can read but not set the date/time via RAPID using CDate() or CTime().
    Russell Drown
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭

    Use clkread to a PERS Num Num_Clock:=0; amd then read the num from your RAB application

    BR Klaus
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn