RobotStudio event

payload threshold

I have a robot IRB7600-325/3.1 do material handling ( wrist down). My payload is a little higher than ABB design. (415kg , about 10 present beyond ABB rated 380kg.) but My application hava a very lower speed. Maximal 700-1000mm/s. And I worried about whether it will be reduce the life time of my robot.
If i  runing the robot in a lower speed, does the payload threshold still the critical points for  robot?


  • Hi Peter,

               It is not advisable to use the robot with a payload beyond the rated payload limitAngry. The robot may work beyond the limit but it will create lots of mechanical related issues to the robot joints in futureCry. Again it depends on the CG of the gripper as well as the robot wrist position. For the better life of robot, avoid using exceeded payloadApprove.
  • hi Peter

    see your product specification 3HAC023934 page 37 in REV K, you see

    Max load 400 kg
    max 0,519 m
    max 0,095 m
  • Hello Peter. I agree with Nikhil and Robot Killer . Based on my experience:

    1. Offline Programming : There is no error I get even the Payload I define is higher than limit. Robot Studio just sends error message if I don't give any input value to payload.A?

    2. Online Programming : I had tried to give payload on Limit closely (almost same to limit value).I got 2 errors and sometimes Robot stops immediatelly.

    A?- Error 50204 : Motion Supervision triggered for axis-x on mechanical unit ROB_1. It's probably caused by collision, incorrect load definition or forces in external process.

    A?- Error 50055 : Joint Load too high (Actual Torque on joint ROB_1), might be caused by incorrect load data, too high acceleration, high external proces forces, low temperature or hardware error.

    A? My resume :

    1. Actualy, the limitation has 2 factors : load/mass and velocity. A? A? A? A? A? A?

    Remember that ...... Torque = Moment of Inertia X Angular Accelaraton

    More speed means more torque

    2. You will take a high risk if your tool payload is higher than the limit.

    Best Regard

    Dhyan - Indonesia

    fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom