RobotStudio event

Problems with reading targets array

In this code i get an error when reading targets arrays.

The error is: The amount of data is too large to fulfill the request.


For Each RS As RapidSymbol In rsCol
Dim varData As RapidData = modul.GetRapidData(RS.Name)
If varData.IsArray Then
Dim AD As ArrayData = DirectCast(varData.Value, ArrayData)
For I As Integer = 0 To AD.Length - 1
her i add value to datagrid:  AD.Item(I).ToString
End If

It works on num array but but not on target


what do i do wrong


BR Klaus
Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • RussD
    Where is it failing, iterating on the RapidSymbol colection or working with the array data? What is the exception type and who is raising it?

    It is possible to make RAPID structures that are too large for the protocol to handle, but which don't violate any RAPID data definition rules. How large is your array of robtargets? 
    Russell Drown
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭
    The target array length is only 12 and the error comes when i read the first record in the array: AD.Item(I).Tostring

    BR Klaus
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn