RobotStudio event

S4C+ M2000 boot issue

Setup program(s)
C:..ABB RoboticsMediaPool3HAC6811-2.21

Prepared selection(s):
Serial no 24-20409
0927 System Pack 4.0
Selection(s) setup from 3HAC6811-2.21
39-1 BaseWare OS
413-1 English
IRB type 2400
2400L M2000 Type A
Ext Axes in controller cabinet
Ext Axes DC2T + GT
148-1 FactoryWare Interface
8-1 Advanced Functions
11-1 Advanced Motion
202-1 LoadId and ColDetect
230-1 Multitasking
107-1 Developer Functions
193-1 IO Plus
313-1 Screen Viewer
19-3 ArcWare Plus
Included external option program(s):
Serial no 24-20409  Program no AW-24-20409-0715
3HEA5409-0.04 00-00000 , LaxA? ArcWelding System
 System boots into a failure state, the system booted up on Monday, operator setup the bullseye, torch cleaner, and the Uframe on the system. Left for break, when he came back the system was in a fatal error state.

 The error log shows the following internal error.

1.  Error: pgmlnk.c 3249 internal error  0610 11:08.36
pgmlnk.c 3249 internal error
2.  Error: cabts.c 8030 unknown distribute command 1, recieved by the cabin
 0610 11:08.37
cabts.c 8030 unknown distribute command 1, recieved by the cabinet from ipc 20
3.  Error: cabts.c 8030 unknown distribute command 0, recieved by the cabin
 0610 11:08.37
cabts.c 8030 unknown distribute command 0, recieved by the cabinet from ipc 20

Any feedback on what could cause this is greatly appreciated.